Wednesday, December 12, 2012
CAD - Basics:
UNITS (be certain that it is in Inches)
OSNAP - options for snapping
LAYERS (Each Material shall have it's own Layer; ie. Win_Glass_Type1, Glass_Type_2, Win_Mullion, Door_Wood, Door_Frame, etc. The Layers change as the material changes)
JOIN (to join separate Polylines)
CAD to Rhino (save CAD as a 2004 or previous version; open CAD file with Rhino 4.0)
Changing Viewports, utilizing the one that is most relevant to building the model.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Grades - FINAL
Below are the Final Grades for the Fall 2012 Semester. To know you grade, please refer to my syllabus. If you did not pass my course (C- or below), you may take the course again in either the 3-week Winter Semester (starting this Wednesday, 12-12-12) or in the Summer of 2013. I recommend that you take it in the 3-week Winter semester as the scale of the building will be more manageable due to the shortened semester.
Overall, I commend you all on a job well done and hope to see you all in the near future!
Overall, I commend you all on a job well done and hope to see you all in the near future!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Final due Wednesday, Dec 5
This is a reminder that the final date has been changed from Monday to Wednesday, December 5th, as for Saturday's announcement. 8 00 pm is the latest I will be accepting portfolios. No late submittals will be accepted.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
I heard we are allowed to create the interior perspectives and renderings in Photoshop rather than in this correct?
Or do we have to create them in Rhino then import them into Photoshop.
I heard we are allowed to create the interior perspectives and renderings in Photoshop rather than in this correct?
Or do we have to create them in Rhino then import them into Photoshop.
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Quiz No. 3 - Make-Up
Quiz No. 3 - Make-Up:
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Quiz_3_[image type, ie. Superstudio Objects, Musee d'Orsay Front Perspective, etc.] Be certain the JPEG file is saved with this format!
2: Photoshop: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color - Margins as per the Layout Sample
My Recommendations:
Date: 12-1-2012
Time Limit: 1 hour to be received in email. Any late submittals will result in a grade reduction (the later it is, the greater the reduction).
2: Photoshop: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color - Margins as per the Layout Sample
3: Groups: TBD. Be certain to work on the Quiz version that is assigned to you! Working on the incorrect version will result in a lower grade. The groups will be announce on the day of the exam.
4: Assignment: Create + Render a Rhino model based on the image(s) posted for Quiz 3
- Build the image assigned to you in Rhino with the appropriate layers. Create 3 rendered views (front elevation, side elevation, perspective) of said image(s). Save them as PNG's so that the background does not show when brought into Photoshop (assuming you have it set as such in Vray for Rhino).
- Rhino Output: try to have all the viewport renders similar, if not equal, in size / scale (especially the side / front views). To give you an idea of the resolution you should have, an 11" x 17" Sheet in Photoshop (at 200 dpi) has a resolution of 3400 pixels x 2200 pixels. Use this as a base to guarantee great image quality.
- Materials for your model:
- wood_1: dark brown wood with natural grain
- wood_2: light brown wood (think plywood)
- glass_1: blue-grey glass with 30% opacity (70% transparent)
- glass_2: green-grey glass with 30% opacity (70% transparent)
- aluminum_1: light grey aluminum
- aluminum_2: dark grey aluminum
- plastic_1: light blue plastic
- plastic_2: light red-orange plastic
- marble_1: grey marble (with reflecting surface)
- marble_2: pink marble (with reflecting surface)
- The images may further be tweaked in Photoshop.
- The 3 views should be spaced evenly within the Photoshop file.
- Each view shall have a child / children interacting with the rendered objects. They shall be scaled appropriately, shadows placed where necessary, and be relevant to the viewport rendered.
- Grading will be based on both completeness + quality.
5: Save to JPEG - Quality = 8 (if you do not know what this means, try creating a jpeg from Photoshop. You will be prompted to select the output quality. Bring it down to 8)
6: Submittal: JPEG file shall be submitted to before the hour's end
* Note: if you cannot make it to the day of a Quiz, you may make it up the week after. A more difficult drawing will replace the one of the original date and the same time limit will be given during class time. If you know that you cannot make it to class on any particular day, please comment below with the date(s) you will be absent and I will do my best to not have a Quiz on that particular date. Once the date of the Quiz is posted online, it will not change.
- use the Quiz No 3 Sample Image as a reference for what you may be doing on the Quiz
- have a Rhino + Photoshop file ready for it with the layouts ready to start
- have a materials library with the listed varied set of materials ready for use, seeing as how you will not know what materials you will be using on the Quiz
- have your Layers in Rhino to already have the desired materials set to them, as that step will save you some time
- do NOT wait until the Quiz to do these things as it is not the time to figure these things out or worry about setting these things up. They should be ready at your disposal beforehand so that your main preoccupation is building the model
- Read the instructions on the Quiz beforehand as well so that you know exactly what you need to do!
- I also recommend practicing with the posted Sample Image or with your Assignment 4 + 6 model interiors / fixtures to better prepare for the Quiz
Good Luck!
Class Update: No Class on Nov 26 / 28!!
Due to you having your Design Studio Finals in the last week of November, I am cancelling classes on both days. Instead we will be having class on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1st @ 9 30 AM - 12 30 PM.
Make up Quiz:
Those of you taking the Make-up Quiz need to be in class at this time and sign in for the Quiz. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will NOT be allowed to take the Make-up Quiz. It starts @ 9 30 AM. The revised instructions for the Make-up will be posted before the Make-up date. I highly recommend that you review the instructions and prepare as much as you can before the Make-up date.
Make up Quiz:
Those of you taking the Make-up Quiz need to be in class at this time and sign in for the Quiz. If you are more than 10 minutes late, you will NOT be allowed to take the Make-up Quiz. It starts @ 9 30 AM. The revised instructions for the Make-up will be posted before the Make-up date. I highly recommend that you review the instructions and prepare as much as you can before the Make-up date.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Yes, we will have class tomorrow, Wednesday, 11-21-12. What we will be doing:
-Student Evaluations at the start of class.
-Lab for the remainder of class.
Please bring your models so that we may discuss them tomorrow. We shall also discuss what we are to do next week. Seeing as how most of you have Design Midterms next week, I would like to discuss the possibility of moving either Monday or Wednesday's class (or both) to either Saturday or Sunday. These classes will be dedicated to completing your work for the Final.
-Student Evaluations at the start of class.
-Lab for the remainder of class.
Please bring your models so that we may discuss them tomorrow. We shall also discuss what we are to do next week. Seeing as how most of you have Design Midterms next week, I would like to discuss the possibility of moving either Monday or Wednesday's class (or both) to either Saturday or Sunday. These classes will be dedicated to completing your work for the Final.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Quiz No 3 Images - Exam
Group: A-G
Architecture for Dogs
Hiroshi Naito
Aluminum: light grey (curving bed tubes)
Wood: light brown (curving bed wood blocks)
Wood: dark brown (base wood structure)
Group: H-O
Aluminum: light grey (curving bed tubes)
Wood: light brown (curving bed wood blocks)
Wood: dark brown (base wood structure)
Architecture for Dogs
Kenya Hara
Wood: light brown (main frame)
Aluminum: light grey (structure)
Plastic: light red-orange (steps / platform)
Wood: light brown (main frame)
Aluminum: light grey (structure)
Plastic: light red-orange (steps / platform)
Group: P-Z
Architecture for Dogs
Sou Fujimoto
Plastic: light blue plastic (frames / structure)
Glass: green-grey glass (platforms)
Plastic: light blue plastic (frames / structure)
Glass: green-grey glass (platforms)
Friday, November 16, 2012
Quiz No 3 Images - Sample
Sample Images:
Group: Sample Image
Architecture for Dogs
Atelier Bow-Wow
Materials: light brown wood (structure + platforms + ramps)
Materials: light brown wood (structure + platforms + ramps)
Quiz No. 3
Quiz No. 3 :
Date: 11-19-2012
Time Limit: 1 hour to be received in email. Any late submittals will result in a grade reduction (the later it is, the greater the reduction).
2: Photoshop: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color - Margins as per the Layout Sample
3: Groups: TBD. Be certain to work on the Quiz version that is assigned to you! Working on the incorrect version will result in a lower grade. The groups will be announce on the day of the exam.
4: Assignment: Create + Render a Rhino model based on the image(s) posted for Quiz 3
- Build the image assigned to you in Rhino with the appropriate layers. Create 3 rendered views (front elevation, side elevation, perspective) of said image(s). Save them as PNG's so that the background does not show when brought into Photoshop (assuming you have it set as such in Vray for Rhino).
- Rhino Output: try to have all the viewport renders similar, if not equal, in size / scale (especially the side / front views). To give you an idea of the resolution you should have, an 11" x 17" Sheet in Photoshop (at 200 dpi) has a resolution of 3400 pixels x 2200 pixels. Use this as a base to guarantee great image quality.
- Materials for your model:
- wood_1: dark brown wood with natural grain
- wood_2: light brown wood (think plywood)
- glass_1: blue-grey glass with 30% opacity (70% transparent)
- glass_2: green-grey glass with 30% opacity (70% transparent)
- aluminum_1: light grey aluminum
- aluminum_2: dark grey aluminum
- plastic_1: light blue plastic
- plastic_2: light red-orange plastic
- The images may further be tweaked in Photoshop.
- The 3 views should be spaced evenly within the Photoshop file.
- Each view shall have a dog / dogs interacting with the rendered object. They shall be scaled appropriately, shadows placed where necessary, and be relevant to the viewport rendered.
- Grading will be based on both completeness + quality.
5: Save to JPEG - Quality = 8 (if you do not know what this means, try creating a jpeg from Photoshop. You will be prompted to select the output quality. Bring it down to 8)
6: Submittal: JPEG file shall be submitted to before the hour's end
* Note: if you cannot make it to the day of a Quiz, you may make it up the week after. A more difficult drawing will replace the one of the original date and the same time limit will be given during class time. If you know that you cannot make it to class on any particular day, please comment below with the date(s) you will be absent and I will do my best to not have a Quiz on that particular date. Once the date of the Quiz is posted online, it will not change.
- use the Quiz No 3 Sample Image as a reference for what you may be doing on the Quiz
- have a Rhino + Photoshop file ready for it with the layouts ready to start
- have a materials library with the listed varied set of materials ready for use, seeing as how you will not know what materials you will be using on the Quiz
- have your Layers in Rhino to already have the desired materials set to them, as that step will save you some time
- do NOT wait until the Quiz to do these things as it is not the time to figure these things out or worry about setting these things up. They should be ready at your disposal beforehand so that your main preoccupation is building the model
- Read the instructions on the Quiz beforehand as well so that you know exactly what you need to do!
- I also recommend practicing with the posted Sample Image or with your Assignment 4 + 6 model interiors / fixtures to better prepare for the Quiz
Good Luck!
Monday, November 5, 2012
Class Goals
NOVEMBER 7 (Wednesday):
Details for Assignment No 4: COMPLETE!
NOVEMBER 14 (Wednesday):
Basic Masses with some details of your Building: COMPLETE!
NOVEMBER 19 (Monday):
QUIZ!! Be ready! Bring me some Printouts to review before Wednesday.
NOVEMBER 21 (Wednesday):
Masses with Details and Materials all set and ready to go. Photoshop file with environment started.
NOVEMBER 26-28 (Monday-Wednesday):
Diagrams: COMPLETE! Details for your model pretty much complete. Environments only need some tweaking.
DECEMBER 3 (Monday):
FINAL DUE no later than 7 45!......also, pizza
I will no longer be answering questions for Assignments No 1-3 in class unless a printed version of work with improvements is given to me. This may either be answered in class or taken with me with notes to be returned on the following class.
Assignment No 2: In addition to all the previous requirements, all resubmittals for Assignment No 2 at the time of the Final shall have:
- a North arrow at each floor plan / site plan
- spaces named or a legend for the named spaces with the spaces being called out numerically
Rhino - Basics:
UNITS (be certain that it is in Inches)
LAYERS (Each Material shall have it's own Layer; ie. Win_Glass_Type1, Glass_Type_2, Win_Mullion, Door_Wood, Door_Frame, etc. The Layers change as the material changes)
JOIN (to join separate Polylines)
EXTRUDE (either as a solid mass or as wall-type extrusions with Offsets; with Cap)
CAD to Rhino (save CAD as a 2004 or previous version; open CAD file with Rhino 4.0)
Changing Viewports, utilizing the one that is most relevant to building the model.
Rhino - Modeling:
BOOLEAN - Union - Difference - Split - Intersection
BOOLEANDifference (for openings; ie. windows, doors, open space, wall fenestration, etc.)
ROTATE (2-dimensional plane)
ROTATE3D (3-dimensional plane)
EXPLODE (Polylines to individual lines; Solids to multiple Surfaces)
INSERT - (select a Rhino file to Insert as a block; use this for objects / items that shall repeat: ie. doors, windows, etc.)
Save a Viewport -- Right click Viewport - Set Views - Named Views - Save it and name it what you will
VRay for Rhino Specifics:
Options - Output (change to the quality that best suites your final print size; it is better to render at a larger quality, when in doubt)
Materials - Adding a Bitmap Texture
Materials - Transparency (whiter = more transparent; blacker = more opaque)
Materials - right click - apply to layer
Materials - have a File set up for all of your Materials)
PIPE (for circular railings, ect)
Viewport Properties--Capture--To File (for Printscreens)
Change Viewport Background
Same Angles for Render as for Model View for Assignment No 4
Output -- No Background -- Save as PNG
Material in Vray -- Bump Maps (the same as regular mapping, but in B&W--White = closer. Black = further)
LOFT (after creating a series of planes or ribs)
SHEAR (for a Surface. use Control Points)
Viewport Camera Settings (50mm, 35mm, 20mm, etc)
EXTRUDE Along Curve
Control Point Editing - INSERTKnots - INSERTControlPoints
Transparency Mapping - Material PNG (Color) - Material Alpha PNG (Transparency) -- This is useful for Mesh-Type Materials where you would like to see beyond said mesh.
Materials - Import / Export / Package Materials
Interior Lights
Emissive Materials
Bonus Class @ 9 am to review lights in Rhino and answer questions pertaining to your models.
Quiz No. 3
Rhino - Basics:
UNITS (be certain that it is in Inches)
LAYERS (Each Material shall have it's own Layer; ie. Win_Glass_Type1, Glass_Type_2, Win_Mullion, Door_Wood, Door_Frame, etc. The Layers change as the material changes)
JOIN (to join separate Polylines)
EXTRUDE (either as a solid mass or as wall-type extrusions with Offsets; with Cap)
CAD to Rhino (save CAD as a 2004 or previous version; open CAD file with Rhino 4.0)
Changing Viewports, utilizing the one that is most relevant to building the model.
Rhino - Modeling:
BOOLEAN - Union - Difference - Split - Intersection
BOOLEANDifference (for openings; ie. windows, doors, open space, wall fenestration, etc.)
ROTATE (2-dimensional plane)
ROTATE3D (3-dimensional plane)
EXPLODE (Polylines to individual lines; Solids to multiple Surfaces)
INSERT - (select a Rhino file to Insert as a block; use this for objects / items that shall repeat: ie. doors, windows, etc.)
Save a Viewport -- Right click Viewport - Set Views - Named Views - Save it and name it what you will
VRay for Rhino Specifics:
Options - Output (change to the quality that best suites your final print size; it is better to render at a larger quality, when in doubt)
Materials - Adding a Bitmap Texture
Materials - Transparency (whiter = more transparent; blacker = more opaque)
Materials - right click - apply to layer
Materials - have a File set up for all of your Materials)
PIPE (for circular railings, ect)
Viewport Properties--Capture--To File (for Printscreens)
Change Viewport Background
Same Angles for Render as for Model View for Assignment No 4
Output -- No Background -- Save as PNG
Material in Vray -- Bump Maps (the same as regular mapping, but in B&W--White = closer. Black = further)
LOFT (after creating a series of planes or ribs)
Viewport Camera Settings (50mm, 35mm, 20mm, etc)
EXTRUDE Along Curve
Control Point Editing - INSERTKnots - INSERTControlPoints
Transparency Mapping - Material PNG (Color) - Material Alpha PNG (Transparency) -- This is useful for Mesh-Type Materials where you would like to see beyond said mesh.
Materials - Import / Export / Package Materials
Interior Lights
Emissive Materials
Bonus Class @ 9 am to review lights in Rhino and answer questions pertaining to your models.
Quiz No. 3
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Assignment No. 4 Sample Image
Below is a sample of the required layout for Assignment No 4. The Printscreen / Captured Image view is on the left and the Rendered View is on the right.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
October 31 (Wednesday): NO CLASS! Happy Halloween!
November 3 (Saturday): Make-up Class for October 31 (Wednesday). Class will commence at 9 00 AM and end at 11 AM. 9 00 - 10 00 will consist of new material for Rhino 4.0 with Vray. 10 00 - 11 00 will be dedicated to your models. I will ONLY answer questions to those of you with work to show me. I will not be answering questions if you have yet to start your models. I will answer questions first to those of you who write down your questions.
November 18 (Sunday): Bonus Class. Class will commence at 9 00 AM and end at 12 PM. 9 00 - 10 00 will consist of light sources for Rhino 4.0 with Vray. 10 00 - 12 00 will be dedicated to your models. I will ONLY answer questions to those of you with work to show me. I will not be answering questions if you have yet to start your models. I will answer questions first to those of you who write down your questions.
November 19 (Monday): Quiz # 3 (on Rhino 4.0 & Photoshop). Instructions will be posted soon. I highly recommend that you practice with Assignment # 3 and that you are able to build, add materials and render it from 3 different views (front, side & perspective view) and arrange them side by side in Photoshop , 11 x 17 Sheet.
December 3 (Monday): Final Portfolio Due by 7 45 PM. NO late submittals will be accepted.
I will no longer be answering questions for Assignments No 1-3 in class unless a printed version of work with improvements is given to me. This may either be answered in class or taken with me with notes to be returned on the following class.
November 3 (Saturday): Make-up Class for October 31 (Wednesday). Class will commence at 9 00 AM and end at 11 AM. 9 00 - 10 00 will consist of new material for Rhino 4.0 with Vray. 10 00 - 11 00 will be dedicated to your models. I will ONLY answer questions to those of you with work to show me. I will not be answering questions if you have yet to start your models. I will answer questions first to those of you who write down your questions.
November 18 (Sunday): Bonus Class. Class will commence at 9 00 AM and end at 12 PM. 9 00 - 10 00 will consist of light sources for Rhino 4.0 with Vray. 10 00 - 12 00 will be dedicated to your models. I will ONLY answer questions to those of you with work to show me. I will not be answering questions if you have yet to start your models. I will answer questions first to those of you who write down your questions.
November 19 (Monday): Quiz # 3 (on Rhino 4.0 & Photoshop). Instructions will be posted soon. I highly recommend that you practice with Assignment # 3 and that you are able to build, add materials and render it from 3 different views (front, side & perspective view) and arrange them side by side in Photoshop , 11 x 17 Sheet.
December 3 (Monday): Final Portfolio Due by 7 45 PM. NO late submittals will be accepted.
I will no longer be answering questions for Assignments No 1-3 in class unless a printed version of work with improvements is given to me. This may either be answered in class or taken with me with notes to be returned on the following class.
Monday, October 29, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Assignment No. 5 + 6
Assignment No. 5 + 6 :
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_5+6_[image type, ie. Superstudio Objects, Musee d'Orsay Front Perspective, etc.]
2: Photoshop: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color - Margins as per the Layout Sample
3: Assignment: Design the building you have selected in Rhino and render them with V-Ray for Rhino. Then save as a .PNG with no background. Your requirements are:
4: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment. You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.
Last Name Di-G
Last Name Me-Ro
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_5+6_[image type, ie. Superstudio Objects, Musee d'Orsay Front Perspective, etc.]
2: Photoshop: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color - Margins as per the Layout Sample
3: Assignment: Design the building you have selected in Rhino and render them with V-Ray for Rhino. Then save as a .PNG with no background. Your requirements are:
- 1 - 300 word introduction to the building, concepts behind the design + relevance of your design. Do NOT write from first person perspective (ie. "I believe that this is.... I decided on this view because...." etc.).
- 1 - Exterior Rendering (with it's real-world setting surrounding it).
- 1 - Interior Rendering (with sun lighting from the exterior)
- 3 - Diagrams Analyzing your building (choose diagrams most relevant to your building's concept. ie. Sun path, circulation, etc.). These may be in plan / section / other forms of representation. Each diagram must have a brief description below (1-4 sentences) and/or a Legend for symbols on the page, yet should NOT need them to be understood.
- *BONUS 1* (2 points) : Create an additional Interior Rendering & Exterior Rendering.
- *BONUS 2* (2 points) : Modify an Interior Rendering + Exterior Rendering to portray one of the following two settings: Dystopian setting or Utopian setting. There shall be a brief explanation (2-3 sentences) for said settings
- each rendering should have 5 people minimum with the proper shadows / lighting.
- proper materials should be rendered as relevant.
- be certain the lighting is done properly in the interior + exterior renders, as lighting is important in each of these projects. Study sun paths + building orientation for this.
- 1 - 11" x 17" (landscape) page per rendering. Each Diagram could either be on 1 page, all 3 on 1, or 2 per page if Bonuses were done, etc. depending on your diagrams' scale and type.
- IMPORTANT!!: YOU MUST work on the building that was initially assigned to you UNLESS you have traded with someone else and I have been informed of said trade by both parties. A 30% reduction in the grade will be placed per assignment that is done incorrectly. Assignments 4 + 5 + 6 shall all be of the same building. If you did the wrong building for Assignment No. 2, do not make the same mistake for No. 4 + 5 + 6 as you will lose credit for each of those! Ask me if you are not certain as to which building is yours.
5: Turn in the Assignments with the Class Portfolio.
Due Date: Final 12-3-12 (Monday)
Project List:
Last Name A-De
Institute of Contemporary Art : Boston, Massachusetts
Diller, Scofidio + Renfro
Kunsthal : Rotterdam, Netherlands
Rem Koolhaas / OMA
Last Name H-Ma
Jewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco : San Francisco, California
Daniel Libeskind
Whitney Museum : New York, New York
Marcel Breuer
Last Name Ru-W
MAS | Museum aan de Stroom : Antwerp, Belgium
Neutelings Riedijk Architects
Monday, October 22, 2012
Assignment No. 4
Assignment No. 4 :
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_3_[detail type, ie. Wall_Panel, Interior Ceiling, etc.]
2: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color
3: Assignment: Modeled and Rendered Detail. With Rhino 4.0, model any detail within or throughout your Assignment No. 2 Building. You shall have a model Print Screen of your detail beside a Rendered detail. The Rendered version shall have arrows or lines pointing out the different components that make up the detail. There shall be a minimum of 3 components that make up each detail. The Model Print Screen and the Rendered Model Shall be roughly the same angle and scale.
5: Save file as PSD (Photoshop Document) - Save file as PDF
6: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment. You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.
Due Date: @ Final - 12-5-2012
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_3_[detail type, ie. Wall_Panel, Interior Ceiling, etc.]
2: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color
3: Assignment: Modeled and Rendered Detail. With Rhino 4.0, model any detail within or throughout your Assignment No. 2 Building. You shall have a model Print Screen of your detail beside a Rendered detail. The Rendered version shall have arrows or lines pointing out the different components that make up the detail. There shall be a minimum of 3 components that make up each detail. The Model Print Screen and the Rendered Model Shall be roughly the same angle and scale.
- 3 different components (minimum) per detail. They shall be called out (be consistent with font!).
- Be sure that the detail is unique to you building.
- Each 11" x 17" Sheet shall have 1 modeled version (with the different layers separated by colors) and 1 rendered view (V-ray render).
- *BONUS 1* Do the same thing for another detail (separate sheet).
- *BONUS 2* Do the same thing for another detail (separate sheet).
5: Save file as PSD (Photoshop Document) - Save file as PDF
6: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment. You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.
Due Date: @ Final - 12-5-2012
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Quiz No. 2 Make-up
Recreate the scenario below with the image sample provided. Create a grid using hatch patterns in AutoCAD and plot as a separate PDF. Insert said grid TO SCALE according to the dimensions given. The grid pattern should be 10' x 10' square. Manipulate the grid so that it works with the perspective.
In addition to this, you will follow the instructions from the original quiz. However, 3 people will be required in the FOREGROUND now.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Quiz No. 2
Quiz No. 2 :
Date: 10-10-2012
Time Limit: 1 hour to be received in email.
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Quiz_2 . Be certain the JPEG file is saved with this format!
2: Be sure that the PSD (Photoshop) File is an 11" x 17" with the same margins and layout as the Midterm. 200 dpi.
3: Groups: There are no groups for this quiz. However, the environments + people within each file SHOULD be different.
4: Assignment:
- Insert an environment as your backdrop. The 3 options for the backdrop will either be:
- Mountain: 50% mountain (diagonal). 50% sky. Just like you saw in class.
- Ocean: 67% ocean (2/3 bottom horizontal). 33% sky. (1/3 top horizontal).
- Dessert: 67% dessert (2/3 bottom horizontal). 33% sky. (1/3 top horizontal).
- Draw the object perspective presented in the image (either in CAD or Photoshop) as they are posted on the blog. (If drawn in CAD, save it as a PDF and bring it into Photoshop. There are 2 mandatory lineweights. That of the exterior (.35 thickness) and the interior of the object (.15 thickness).
- "Reflect" part of your environment on the facade of the drawn object. This reflection may be slightly blurred for a better effect.
- Add Materials to the Object (I recommend creating a white layer behind the object with the Pen Tool first). The material may be:
- Concrete
- Wood (Paneling)
- Steel
- The materials will be specified during the quiz.
- Add at least 2 individual people into the environment.
- Shadows as appropriate for the people + object. (Be consistent with the light source).
- Partly Desaturate the backdrop, people + object to your liking (NOTE: the object and the Backdrop need to have different levels of saturation. You also need to Filter for effects. This website has some advice of how to give your image a "vintage feel"). You may add multiple filters.
- Make the final product your own!
5: Save to JPEG - Quality = 8 (if you do not know what this means, try creating a jpeg from Photoshop. You will be prompted to select the output quality. Bring it down to 8)
6: Submittal: JPEG file shall be submitted to before the hour's end
* Note: if you cannot make it to the day of a Quiz, you may make it up the week after. A more difficult drawing will replace the one of the original date and the same time limit will be given during class time. If you know that you cannot make it to class on any particular day, please comment below with the date(s) you will be absent and I will do my best to not have a Quiz on that particular date. Once the date of the Quiz is posted online, it will not change.
Monday, October 1, 2012
Layout Template for Midterm / Final
below are the sample pages for both the drawing and rendered formats (with and without the descriptions margins). Whether or not it is necessary for an assignment to have a description depends on the criteria for said assignment posted on the blog.
below is a page sample with the description layout.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
Hello Professor,
The floorplans of the Kunsthal building will not fit on an 11x17 at 1/16" scale. I was thinking of using 1/32", is that ok?
Claudia Fernandez
The floorplans of the Kunsthal building will not fit on an 11x17 at 1/16" scale. I was thinking of using 1/32", is that ok?
Claudia Fernandez
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Whitney Museum Elevations
I'm having trouble finding more than two elevations for the Whitney Museum. Do you have any suggestions on finding more or has anyone else found all four elevations?
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Do not think about this as gratuitous form, but rather think about the potential abilities that the modules can have, for example, in response to solar conditions, or as water catchments, as planters etc etc, and ultimately at what scale they are applied..whether it is at the scale of the canopy or at the scale of a decide.
This is a quick and easy post a printscreen sometime soon. And don't all use the same module we used in class..that was just an example. Think about the function of your module and how it operates at an isolated scale, then think about how it functions as a conglomerate.
Remember to have your midterm material ready.
I will be around Saturday after 12pm to help.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Assignment No. 3
Assignment No. 3 :
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_3_[setting type, ie. Interior_1]
2: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color
3: Assignment: One-Point Perspective. With AutoCAD, draw, as a one-point perspective, an interior elevation within your Assignment No. 2 Building. The one Interior elevation will be manipulated with Photoshop to convey 3 different moods / environments / emotions.
5: Things added to each Photoshopped Elevation:
6: Save file as PSD (Photoshop Document) - Save file as PDF
7: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment. You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.
Due Date: @ Midterm
1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_3_[setting type, ie. Interior_1]
2: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color
3: Assignment: One-Point Perspective. With AutoCAD, draw, as a one-point perspective, an interior elevation within your Assignment No. 2 Building. The one Interior elevation will be manipulated with Photoshop to convey 3 different moods / environments / emotions.
- Brief description of each environment (2 - 6 sentences).
- Interior Perspective 1: Abandoned Environment Overcome with Nature
- Interior Perspective 2: Environment Depicting an Emotion / Mood
- Interior Perspective 3: Your choice
- *BONUS* Interior view as if the viewer is laying down, staring at the ceiling. Your choice of environmental manipulation.
5: Things added to each Photoshopped Elevation:
- 3 Photoshopped people / animals / creatures / beings (minimum) in and around the Elevation (the same 3 may be used for each elevation or vary, depending on what setting is being portrayed)
- Shadows of interior with respect to where the setting light is coming from
- Glass Layer @ windows / doors (@ 15% opacity) with exterior environment
- Reflection on surfaces if they require it.
- Materials represented in the interior
- Organized Layers in Photoshop file (for yourself more than for me)
6: Save file as PSD (Photoshop Document) - Save file as PDF
7: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment. You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.
Due Date: @ Midterm
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Retake Quiz
Professor Calil,
I was wondering if we can retake the quiz and if so when? Also I was wondering when you will post the grades for Assignment 1 and Quiz 1. Thanks!
I was wondering if we can retake the quiz and if so when? Also I was wondering when you will post the grades for Assignment 1 and Quiz 1. Thanks!
Monday, September 10, 2012
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