Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Assignment No. 5 + 6

Assignment No. 5 + 6 :

1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_5+6_[image type, ie. Superstudio Objects, Musee d'Orsay Front Perspective, etc.]

2: Photoshop: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color - Margins as per the Layout Sample

3: Assignment: Design the building you have selected in Rhino and render them with V-Ray for Rhino.  Then save as a .PNG with no background.  Your requirements are:
  • 1 - 300 word introduction to the building, concepts behind the design + relevance of your design.  Do NOT write from first person perspective (ie. "I believe that this is.... I decided on this view because...." etc.).  
  • 1 - Exterior Rendering (with it's real-world setting surrounding it). 
  • 1 - Interior Rendering (with sun lighting from the exterior)
  • 3 - Diagrams Analyzing your building (choose diagrams most relevant to your building's concept.  ie. Sun path, circulation, etc.).  These may be in plan / section / other forms of representation.  Each diagram must have a brief description below (1-4 sentences) and/or a Legend for symbols on the page, yet should NOT need them to be understood.  
  • *BONUS 1*  (2 points) : Create an additional Interior Rendering & Exterior Rendering.
  • *BONUS 2*  (2 points) : Modify an Interior Rendering + Exterior Rendering to portray one of the following two settings: Dystopian setting or Utopian setting.  There shall be a brief explanation (2-3 sentences) for said settings
  • each rendering should have 5 people minimum with the proper shadows / lighting.
  • proper materials should be rendered as relevant.
  • be certain the lighting is done properly in the interior + exterior renders, as lighting is important in each of these projects.  Study sun paths + building orientation for this.
  • 1 - 11" x 17" (landscape) page per rendering.  Each Diagram could either be on 1 page, all 3 on 1, or 2 per page if Bonuses were done, etc. depending on your diagrams' scale and type. 
  • IMPORTANT!!: YOU MUST work on the building that was initially assigned to you UNLESS you have traded with someone else and I have been informed of said trade by both parties.  A 30% reduction in the grade will be placed per assignment that is done incorrectly.  Assignments 4 + 5 + 6 shall all be of the same building.  If you did the wrong building for Assignment No. 2, do not make the same mistake for No. 4 + 5 + 6 as you will lose credit for each of those!  Ask me if you are not certain as to which building is yours.  
4: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment.  You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.

5: Turn in the Assignments with the Class Portfolio.  

Due Date:  Final 12-3-12 (Monday)

Project List:

Last Name A-De
Institute of Contemporary Art : Boston, Massachusetts
Diller, Scofidio + Renfro

Last Name Di-G
Kunsthal : Rotterdam, Netherlands 
Rem Koolhaas / OMA

Last Name H-Ma
Jewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco : San Francisco, California
Daniel Libeskind


Last Name Me-Ro
Whitney Museum : New York, New York
Marcel Breuer

Last Name Ru-W
MAS | Museum aan de Stroom : Antwerp, Belgium
Neutelings Riedijk Architects

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