Monday, November 5, 2012

Class Goals

NOVEMBER 7 (Wednesday):
Details for Assignment No 4: COMPLETE!

NOVEMBER 14 (Wednesday):
Basic Masses with some details of your Building: COMPLETE!

NOVEMBER 19 (Monday):
QUIZ!! Be ready!  Bring me some Printouts to review before Wednesday.

NOVEMBER 21 (Wednesday):
Masses with Details and Materials all set and ready to go.  Photoshop file with  environment started.

NOVEMBER 26-28 (Monday-Wednesday):
Diagrams: COMPLETE!  Details for your model pretty much complete.  Environments only need some tweaking.

DECEMBER 3 (Monday):
FINAL DUE no later than 7 45!......also, pizza

I will no longer be answering questions for Assignments No 1-3 in class unless a printed version of work with improvements is given to me.  This may either be answered in class or taken with me with notes to be returned on the following class.

Assignment No 2:  In addition to all the previous requirements, all resubmittals for Assignment No 2 at the time of the Final shall have:
- a  North arrow at each floor plan / site plan
- spaces named or a legend for the named spaces with the spaces being called out numerically


  1. does the name of the spaces have to be just on floor plans or also section as well?

  2. Plans + Sections. Elevation heights should be included as well. I will be posting a sample of that soon.
