Sunday, September 30, 2012

Using the flowalongsurf function

This is a design concept for a bus stop using the flowalongsurf function.

Friday, September 28, 2012


Hello Professor,
The floorplans of the Kunsthal building will not fit on an 11x17 at 1/16" scale. I was thinking of using 1/32", is that ok?
Claudia Fernandez

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Whitney Museum Elevations

I'm having trouble finding more than two elevations for the Whitney Museum. Do you have any suggestions on finding more or has anyone else found all four elevations?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Do not think about this as gratuitous form, but rather think about the potential abilities that the modules can have, for example, in response to solar conditions, or as water catchments, as planters etc etc, and ultimately at what scale they are applied..whether it is at the scale of the canopy or at the scale of a decide.

This is a quick and easy post a printscreen sometime soon.  And don't all use the same module we used in class..that was just an example.  Think about the function of your module and how it operates at an isolated scale, then think about how it functions as a conglomerate.

Remember to have your midterm material ready.
I will be around Saturday after 12pm to help.

I'm having huge amounts of difficulty finding a detail for the MAS. If you could help me that would be awesome....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Assignment No. 3

Assignment No. 3 :

1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_3_[setting type, ie. Interior_1]

2: New File - 11" x 17" - Resolution at 200 pixels/inch - Color Mode at RGB Color

3: Assignment: One-Point Perspective.  With AutoCAD, draw, as a one-point perspective, an interior elevation within your Assignment No. 2 Building.  The one Interior elevation will be manipulated with Photoshop to convey 3 different moods / environments / emotions. 
  • Brief description of each environment (2 - 6 sentences).
  • Interior Perspective 1: Abandoned Environment Overcome with Nature
  • Interior Perspective 2: Environment Depicting an Emotion / Mood
  • Interior Perspective 3: Your choice
  • *BONUS*  Interior view as if the viewer is laying down, staring at the ceiling.  Your choice of environmental manipulation.  
    4: Label Each Drawing - ie. Interior Perspective 1 or Perspective of .....

    5: Things added to each Photoshopped Elevation:

    • 3 Photoshopped people / animals / creatures / beings (minimum) in and around the Elevation (the same 3 may be used for each elevation or vary, depending on what setting is being portrayed)
    • Shadows of interior with respect to where the setting light is coming from
    • Glass Layer @ windows / doors (@ 15% opacity) with exterior environment
    • Reflection on surfaces if they require it.
    • Materials represented in the interior 
    • Organized Layers in Photoshop file (for yourself more than for me)

    6: Save file as PSD (Photoshop Document) - Save file as PDF

    7: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment.  You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.

    Due Date:  @ Midterm

    Tuesday, September 11, 2012

    Retake Quiz

    Professor Calil,
    I was wondering if we can retake the quiz and if so when? Also I was wondering when you will post the grades for Assignment 1 and Quiz 1. Thanks!

    Sunday, September 9, 2012


    The drawings that I'm using as the xref have a scale that is in meters. I wanted to verify that I did the scaling correct. I opened the file as the xref and I used 3.28084 as the scale factor.

    Saturday, September 8, 2012

    Assignment No. 2 + Quiz No. 1 Layers + Lineweights

    Plot Style Table Pen Assignments (Line weights):
    Color 1 - 0.18
    Color 2 - 0.18
    Color 3 - 0.25
    Color 4 - 0.13
    Color 5 - 0.10
    Color 6 - 0.45
    Color 8 - 0.05

    Sunday, September 2, 2012

    Assignment No. 2

    Assignment No. 2 :

    1: File - Save as - [Last Name][First Initial]_ARC4058_Assignment_2_[type of drawing, ie. plans, sections, elevations, detail]

    2: Be sure Units is on "Architectural", "Decimal Degrees" & "Inches"

    3: Draw the following plans pertaining to your assigned projects:
    • 2 - Floor Plans   (ie. Ground Level Floor Plan) - Scale 1/16" = 1'-0"    
    • 1 - Site Plan with Roof Plan -  Scale 1/32" = 1'-0"
    • 2 - Elevations (Front + Side Elevations) -  Scale 1/16" = 1'-0"
    • 1 - Project Detail -  Scale 1/2" = 1'-0"
    • *BONUS*      - Longitudinal Section -  Scale 1/16" = 1'-0"
    • *BONUS 2*   - An additional 2 Elevations -  Scale 1/16" = 1'-0"
      4: Label Each Drawing - ie. First Level Floor Plan - Site Plan - Front Elevation - Rear Elevation - Side Elevation 1 - Side Elevation 2

      5: Layers - Plot with Layers - assignment_2_layers

      6: Plot - DWG to PDF - Paper Size 11" x 17"

      7: Post JPEG on Blog (top-right corner : New Post - Insert JPEG - Publish Post!) ONLY if you have any questions pertaining to the assignment.  You do NOT need to post on the blog for this assignment.

      Due Date:  @ Midterm due date

      Assignment No. 2 Projects

      Assignment No. 2 Projects :

      These assignments are split by First Letter of your Last Name.  If you would like a different project, you can either take one of the alternatives or trade your project with someone else in class.  You MUST inform me that you are trading projects so that I may mark it down as such.  In the event of a trade, BOTH parties must write the projects being traded in the comments below.

      The project selected will also be part of Assignments No. 5 + 6 (Rhino Modeling Assignments). I suggest that you work together with anyone else that has the same building so that you may, together, find any relevant drawings / elevations / photographs / books to share.  However, all drawings and work turned in must be YOUR OWN.  

      Project List:

      Last Name A-De
      Institute of Contemporary Art: Boston, Massachusetts
      Diller, Scofidio + Renfro

      Last Name Di-G
      Kunsthal : Rotterdam, Netherlands 
      Rem Koolhaas / OMA

      Last Name H-Ma
      Jewish Contemporary Museum San Francisco : San Francisco, California
      Daniel Libeskind

      Last Name Me-Ro
      Whitney Museum
      Marcel Breuer

      Last Name Ru-W
      MAS | Museum aan de Stroom: Antwerp, Belgium
      Neutelings Riedijk Architects


      NEMO Museum
      Renzo Piano Building Workshop

      Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA)
      Richard Meier